ADHD and Lessons Along the Way

Crystals for ADHD & Autism

April 09, 2024 Kate Episode 8
Crystals for ADHD & Autism
ADHD and Lessons Along the Way
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ADHD and Lessons Along the Way
Crystals for ADHD & Autism
Apr 09, 2024 Episode 8

Crystals can be fantastic for children to use as tactile objects that can help them to feel more calm, grounded, peaceful, energised..... or reach whatever intention you have. There are so many crystals that have different energies to help align your energy. 

See what crystals you feel drawn to and look uo the properties of that crystal, you will be amazed at how you are drawn to the properties that you need the most!

I look into a few crystals that help with aspects of ADHD and Autism. Have fun with this and see which ones you like.... to carry around in your pocket, wear as jewlery or have in rooms at home. 

Follow me on Insta @neuroawesome1
TikTok - Neuroawesome

Thank you for listening!

Show Notes

Crystals can be fantastic for children to use as tactile objects that can help them to feel more calm, grounded, peaceful, energised..... or reach whatever intention you have. There are so many crystals that have different energies to help align your energy. 

See what crystals you feel drawn to and look uo the properties of that crystal, you will be amazed at how you are drawn to the properties that you need the most!

I look into a few crystals that help with aspects of ADHD and Autism. Have fun with this and see which ones you like.... to carry around in your pocket, wear as jewlery or have in rooms at home. 

Follow me on Insta @neuroawesome1
TikTok - Neuroawesome

Thank you for listening!